Once you place your order with us and we have received payment:

  • Okuhle Only will generally only print T-shirts/products once they have been ordered from our website. Given the number of designs we offer, in a variety of colour and style combinations, it is unfeasible for us to carry our entire range in stock.
  • Once you place and pay for an order, we will schedule your printing on the first upcoming print run.  Print lead times are approximately 5-7 working days. This is the time it takes for our printing partner to queue the design and print it within their factory process. Once printed and sent back to us, Okuhle Only will ship your order within a further 1-2 working days.
  • Generally speaking, with processes operating at prime capacity, local orders will be received within 1-3 weeks of order placement (75% off all local orders arriving within 2 weeks/ 100% within 3 weeks).
  • Please note that orders may be delayed due to supplier stock unavailability. In such cases, you will be notified if it will take a longer period than usual to receive your order. 

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